Litigation Support

Are the complex psychological elements of your case beyond your legal expertise?
Are you having trouble making sense of the psychological elements of your case?
Do you want to present the psychological elements of your case in a clear and compelling manner?

This aspect of Dr. Harrington’s skill set places her as YOUR consultant, advising you, the attorney, during all phases of litigation, with regard to psychological elements of your case and case theory, case strategy and presentation.

In This Role, Dr. Harrington:

  • Guides you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of forensic psychological work products before the Court.
  • Assists in explaining to your client, in plain language, the key psychological elements of the case, what they mean, what their implications are for the children and for the litigation and litigation plan.
  • Researches and provides you with up-to-date information, derived from empirical study, with regard to vital elements of the case.
    • For example, she identifies what research tell us about developmentally appropriate parenting plans for children at certain ages; what is the impact of bringing a new parental love interest into the life of a child.
  • Educates you and clarifies your understanding of the mental health issues in the case so that you can present and argue these elements of the case expertly and in a convincing manner.
  • Develops and articulates a unifying theory of the case.
  • Advises with regard to strategic elements of how to put on your case, stage your case and present your case in trial.
  • Writes and/or assists you in writing direct and cross examination questions for expert witnesses testifying before the Court or being deposed in preparation for trial.
  • Work hands on with the attorney, being present in depositions and trial to provide real-time consulting and adjustments to the litigation plan and testimony plan.

With more than 25 years of experience as a professional psychologist, Dr. Harrington has the skill set and ability to weave together the psychology concepts, forensic thinking and legal procedures in a manner that makes you more effective and convincing.

You can expect Dr. Harrington to clarify and make comprehensible the psychological elements of the case and to present these issues in a clear, concise and compelling manner.

Call Dr. Harrington at 612-810-7563 to discuss your unique situation or click here to complete the Contact Form

As of August 1, 2014